· nibiru  · 1 min read

Nibi, Inc. & Nibiru

Nibi, Inc. is a private, for-profit organization that focuses on building and developing the Nibiru blockchain, a blockchain designed for performance-intensive Web3 applications.

Nibi, Inc. designs, writes, and maintains software related to user interfaces, smart contracts, infrastructure, artifical intelligence models, developer tools, and core logic related to Nibiru. Most of this is technology is open-source and can be found on GitHub.

Nibi, Inc. was founded in 2022 and is based in Texas.

At Nibi, Inc., we work closely with the Nibiru Foundation—made up of the Matrix Foundation and MTRX Services, Ltd.—to drive the growth and sustainability of the Nibiru ecosystem. Together, we aim to advance decentralized technology and its adoption. Though each organization contributing to Nibiru shares a common goal of growing and expanding the Nibiru ecosystem, they operate indendently within their respective roles. Nibi, Inc focuses on technological development and innovation, while Nibiru Foundation concentrates on community growth, business solutions, and supporting the applications building on top of Nibiru.

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