· nibiru  · 5 min read


I’m a programmer that makes music and writes.

I’m obsessed with learning, solving problems, and creating, whether this involves artwork, music, coding, anything. To learn and create is my ikigai (生き甲斐).

What I do for work

I’m a Co-Founder and one of the lead software engineers for a Web3 project called Nibiru. Formally, I’m the CEO of tech company called Nibi, Inc.. I’m also an open-source contributor across several domains but tend to build mostly in the artificial intelligence and Web3 spaces.

Other passions and interests

  • 🧠 Anki: I’m a huge nerd about spaced repetition software and other strategies for accelerated learning. I’ve been using Anki to learn faster and remember more of what I learn for probably 5+ years at this point. Although I have over 100,000 mature cards, the reviews take up less than 10 minutes a day when I stop adding new material. Using Anki effectively was a crucial element in my journey to learn Japanese to fluency.

  • 🎼 Music: I try not to go a day without practicing 🎷 or 🎹.

  • ⚛️ Physics/Sciences : AUp until 2020, almost all of my time went into developing competencies in physics, applied mathematics, and machine learning. I was almost certain I wanted to become a physicist but ended up more excited about other things. Although my professional trajectory has evolved a lot since then, I’m still fascinated by physics and mathematics, and I find myself going down rabbit holes digging into new publications more than I’d like to admit. Something abot exploring fundamental truths of reality and building an intution about its principles to understand how things work pushes the right buttons for me.

  • 📚 Reading: Some time in 2021, I decided to read and take notes on roughly two books a month. I mostly read biographies, self-help, and books on science and tech. Some of my recent favorites were:

    • About Face: The Odyssey of an American Warrior by Colonel David H. Hackworth
    • Something Deeply Hidden by Sean Carroll
    • Machines Who Think by Pamela McCorduck
    • Diaries of Adam & Eve by Mark Twain


The fastest way to get in contact with me is probably a direct message on Twitter, but e-mail works too.

Some code I’ve written

NibiruChain/nibiruNibiru source code. Nibiru is a breakthrough smart contract platform powering an ecosystem of decentralized applications.
NibiruChain/cw-nibiruRust monorepo and smart contract prototyping hub for Nibiru. Includes dev tooling, production and example smart contracts, an end-to-end testing framework, and other useful libraries.
NibiruChain/ts-sdkTypeScript-based client SDK for interacting with the Nibiru blockchain
💻 grid-world-plusA research project in vision-based, deep reinforcement learning. The goal is to improve sample efficiency using transfer learning, unsupervised representation learning, and attention mechanisms to interpret memories.
🐍 python-crypto-api-wrappersA Python package for wrapping common Cryptocurrency APIs such as Messari, Coin Market Cap, Etherscan, CoinGecko, etc.
📝 Commonplace bookNotes, tutorials, and reference materials for Python, Golang and the Cosmos SDK, Typescript, React, Artificial Intelligence, and effective learning. [book] [repo]
🧬 GANs-for-GenomicsComputational genomics research. I leverage deep learning to generate and learn from synthetic DNA samples.
🏫 Langevin-Dynamics-for-NN-OptimizationBayesian Neural Network (BNN) implementations based on Langevin Dynamics and tested on real-world data
cellar-subgraphsSubgraphs to process and store entities for blockchain events emitted from the Sommelier Cellar contracts. Built using The Graph’s AssemblyScript library, graph-ts.
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